Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Alyssa Lies

I had another crying fit today in my car while driving home. It's all because of the country song "Alyssa Lies" by John Michael Carroll. I've heard this song before and thought it had a nice melody but did not really listen to the words until today. Have any of you heard it? Talk about heartbreaking! I found this homemade video in youtube if you haven't heard the music yet. It's the first song played in the video.


On to more light-hearted topic....

Yesterday was my rest day so today was my first workout of 2007.

AM: treadmill (3.125 miles for an average speed of 5.8 mph and 1% incline (~32 minutes) + 7 minutes walking for warm-up and cool-down), leg strengthening exercises

Lower back still feels a tad bit sore, but getting better. The good news is no shin splints! Woohoo! Just to be safe, I took it easy by maintaining an average 5.8 mph speed. For my PM workout, I procrastinated before UBWO and did not get it to it until 10 pm. But I GOT IT DONE!

That's it for today! Until tomorrow!


Pamela said...

Yay onthe workouts..but that song..I googled it & found the lyrics..since I didn't wanna be bawling with kids around...geeees good thing! now I know why most of the time I listen to mindless boppy stuff!

Laurie said...

Great workout!!! It won't help your shin splints, but have you tried Pilates - should be great for your back. My husband's a pretty serious runner and he loves (and so do I)

KatieFeldmom said...

WOW on that song. Thanks for sharing it. They aren't playing it yet here in Sacramento, but they definitely need to.

Anyhoo, I hope your shins are feeling better soon. Take care of yourself!!!!!

Kimberly said...

I've missed you!

My shins hurt, too, but not from running. I guess from not running. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, right?

If you ever do visit your friend in Phoeniz, let me know, we might be able to meet up, too! We visit at least once or so a year.