Tuesday, March 27, 2007

For the love of God!


Actually, I've been switching to Miami Ink reruns while he's on so my ears are fine. :)

On a better note... (literally!)

The weather was BEAUTIFUL today! We actually got to 80 degrees! Of course, I ran at the crack of dawn this morning (5.65 miles tempo) so it was only 50 degrees, but warm enough for shorts & long sleeve shirt.

I also had my dentist apointment today. Woohoo no cavities!

That's it! Hope everyone is well!

P.S. - Holy cow! Or should I say rooster?!? What the f&*k did he do to his hair! I can't watch!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

8.31 MILES!!!!

You read that right! I finally reached the 8 miles milestone, and then some! Woohoo, there it is!!! I've been derailed for the past 2 weekends due to illness & snow/ice, but it's finally DONE! Also, I ran over 20 miles this week which is my highest weekly mileage EVER!

So I think I'm going to go ahead and sign up for that 10-miles race now. I've been holding off on it. I know if I can run 8 miles, 10 miles is possible. I'm going to be slow, but the goal is to finish and enjoy the race.

I also made another goal that if I run 8 miles, I'm going to treat myself to a running skirt, which I will hopefully wear to the race. Hey, since I'm going to finish in the back of the pack with the 87-years old runner, I might as well look cute, right? ;-D

Heck! While I'm at it, I just might treat myself to another massage this week. ;-D

I'm also planning to run a 5K race next Sunday. Just for fun. I found out about this race a couple of days ago that is "limited to those running with a dog on leash, baby jogger or headphones". It is basically a race that breaks all rules! I'm still running my scheduled LSD run on Saturday (which is thankfully only 10K, LOL) so I'm not looking to break any records on the 5K race. I just thought the rules description is funny!

In addition to the 5K race, I am also going to sign up for a 5-miles race scheduled a week before the 10-miles race. This race is going to be HILLY! Am I CRAZY or what?!?

BTW, I am loving my new Garmin Forerunner 205! I just have to figure out how to do the cool maps and stuff.

So with all the running I've been doing, I am going to slightly modify my already hybrid BFL program. I just can't do LBWO 2X/week anymore, especially with the long runs on Saturday. So I'm going to do UBWO 2X and LBWO 1X every week. I think between the LBWO and the leg strengthening exercises I do after every run, it should be fine.

That's all I've got for now! Thank you all for still reading my blog! I know it's boring for some coz it's mostly about running, but I appreciate all your comments and support.

Till next time!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Is this hilarious or what?!?

Saw someone post this at the Runner's World forum. Thought I'd share. :-D

Running is going well, by the way. Notice the 6.4 miles run on the sidebar? ;o) I bought a Garmin Forerunner 205! Bought it yesterday online and it was already delivered today! Unfortunately, I wasn't home so mailperson took it back. :-(

Hope everybody's well!

Monday, March 19, 2007

I'm insane!!!

I just joined the Daisy Duke Challenge over at Tracker! God help me!

I didn't run at all this weekend, which sucked! I spent hours shoveling ice...yes, I said ICE...on Saturday! My whole body was too sore to do anything strenuous all weekend! I wouldn't be surprised if I injured my back and shoulders. So needless to say, I have yet to accomplish 8 miles. :(

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Temporarily down

Hi all! I'm still here. I know it's been over a week, but I've been busy & sick.

It seems I'm not impervious to sickness after all. I was down with the cold for several days. Nothing too bad, but enough to force me to rest. I just didn't have the energy to do anything strenuous. So I didn't work out from Wednesday last week to Monday this week. :-(

Well, Monday was a fluke. I got too busy at work to go to the gym. Then I went to see Nickelback that night so I had to get out of work earlier than normal.

The Nickelback concert was awesome! At least while they were playing. The concert started at 7 pm, but there were 2 opening bands that I didn't know of - Three Days of Grace and Breaking Benjamin. Their music weren't too bad, but I just couldn't get into it. Nickelback didn't come on until 9:15 pm! But I love their music so once they started playing I didn't mind too much. We got good seats too! Box seats! But a strange thing happened in our section. There was a fight about four rows in front of us! Something you would expect at a Philadelphia Eagles game maybe, but not at a Nickelback concert, and certainly not in the box seats! LOL. Don't know what they were all about, but I suspect that both parties had a little too much to drink!

Overall, it was a great night. The only thing is I missed "24"! :( I've been trying to watch it online but it keeps freezing up on me!

This weekend, we also threw my brother & his fiancee a wedding shower. Nothing too fancy since my future SIL already had a more extravagant and traditional bridal shower last year that was thrown by her side of the family. This is just for our side of the family, plus her parents, since we had her bridal shower around her hometown which is too far for our friends/families to travel to. Anyways, we all had a great time! They also got tons of gifts. My mom bought this huge cake that was a hit with all the guests! It was soooo good! This thing was enormous, enough to serve 65+ people! But at the end of the party, it was GONE and people were asking my mom where she got it from! I only ate a small piece though so my diet didn't suffer too much. :0)

So like I mentioned, I'm back to working out. The highlight is today when I ran 5.72 miles tempo this morning! Average pace was 10.34 min/mile, the last .72 miles slower since it was my cool down. Basically, I rolled out of bed, got dressed, brushed my teeth, drank water, got my stuff ready, then left. It was still dark out outside that I decided to wear my reflective vest. But it was soooo beautiful! 59F with a slight breeze! It was warm enough that I wore just a short sleeve shirt & shorts and was comfortable. It was a good run and I still felt strong and energized in the end! Not dying or anything at all! I think the week-long rest is what I needed to re-energize! Or, it could be that I'm getting better at this whole running thing. :o)

So that's what I've been up to in a nutshell. How is everybody doing? I haven't had time to check out the blogs, myblends, and tracker lately. But I plan to rectify that (hopefully) this weekend.

Oh, and for future reference - I may not be able to update my blog as often, but I plan to keep my workout/running log (see sidebar) up-to-date. You can even click on each entries for details. Thank goodness for Runningahead.com!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Lucky 7!

Thanks for asking! But yes, I got my 7 miles in last Saturday! Actually, it was 7.4 miles! Waaahoooo!!!!

It felt great! The weather actually cooperated. 50F, sunny, with a light breeze. Perfect! The hills didn't even bother me. I was slow, which is what my plan called for. I ran at an average 11:30 min/mi pace for a total time of 1:25:03. The run included 2 brief planned walking breaks at mile 2.5 and 5 to drink my Gatorade. I also had one unplanned walking break at 3 miles to work out some cramping in my stomach.

Legs felt great fine and after the run. I stretched really good after the run. Unfortunately, I felt the soreness the next day. The soreness really didn't bother me, but the shin splint did. I've been iceing and elevating like crazy! The shin still feels sore, but I'm crossing my fingers that it feels better by tomorrow morning coz that's my next run.

Another bad news is that I'm feeling a slight pinching in my right shoulder, so no UBWO last Saturday. :( I think I must have slept on it wrong. My next UBWO is Thursday, which should hopefully give it plenty of time to heal.


The wedding woes continues. At this point, my brother is the one being an a-hole. Talk about Groomzilla! All I can say is that he's being selfish. He's treating my parents like crap yet he has no problem coming over to their house so he can pick up checks to help him pay for his frigging wedding! My parents have no problem helping him out, but for God's sake show some RESPECT!

I'm worried about my mom because she's been crying everyday over it that it's been affecting her health. She had serious high blood pressure issues before and did really well battling it with healthy eating and exercise. Well now, her blood pressure has been rising again inspite of the diet & exercise & medication. Guess who's responsible for it?

I normally don't post anything personal in my blog, but I'm just so pissed at him right now that I really don't care! I am still praying and hoping that this whole thing blows over and that it will be something we laugh about in the future. You know, like one of those normal family squabbles that becomes insignificant in the whole scheme of things.

Well, I'm done venting for now. Thanks for listening!