Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Gym Jerk

Well, I'm still kicking butt with my workouts! This morning, I was able to wake up early enough to go to the gym and do cardio & UBWO. Cardio was a 30 minutes MISS on the eliptical. I wanted to do 40 minutes at least, but I didn't wake up that early enough and I still had to do UBWO. Unfortunately, I was only able to do back, chest, biceps, and some triceps this morning. This is where the gym jerk comes in.

I was in the middle of doing UBWO. Since I was short in time, I did my lifting mostly with the machines. I did back, chest, bi, and only 2 sets of tris because got fed up and left. Throughout my UBWO, this short Asian dude was jumping from one weight equipment to another. Before I go on, I first want to get it out of the way that I'm not being racist when I refer to this dude. I'm a short and Asian myself, only female. Anyways, this guy was jumping from one equipment to another. Nothing wrong with that, but he basically took ownership of multiple equipment at the same time. For example, we have one cable machine with 2 stations. He left his towel there to save it for himself. At the same time, he had heavy plates on the platform of the assisted pull-up machine so it's weighted down. But while he had these equipment saved for himself, he would either be doing some exercises with dumbells on one of the benches or working out in the ab machine. What annoyed me was that I was looking forward to using the cable machine for my tris. I know, I know. I could have done other things. But I was getting really really annoyed just watching this dude! And it's not like the gym was empty, there were other people working out there! He was either being really inconsiderate or just plain dumb! In retrospect I think this was building up over time because even before today this guy has been getting on my nerves! There were multiple times where we would be working out next to each other on the benches and he would lift using heavy dumbells (too heavy in my opinion because his form sucks!) and he would just slam the dumbells on the floor! Many times it would startle me and I sometimes got worried in case he hit me by accident. Sorry, I just had to vent. I'm not PMSing or anything, and I don't even know the guy! But for some reason, he just got on my nerves BIG TIME today! Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Who knows!

Anyhoo, I was still able to complete my UBWO by doing tris & shoulders at home after work. All was not lost!

Work is another story. I am so stressed out! I'm doing the job of 2 people (currently covering for someone else who's on maternity leave) and everything is due at the same time. To top it all off, I somehow end up piloting this one system that we're implementing. It just happens the target completion date for one of my project falls right as this new system is being launched. Needless to say, my project is going to to be the guinea pig. OH JOY! Talk about pressure! It's kind of ironic since I have the least seniority in my group, hence the least experience, yet I'm the first to use this sytem. I can't really say I blame anyone as this was not done by design. It just happen to be my "luck" that I'm working on the project I'm in. In spite of the stress, I still love my job. I just have to get through these obstacles and I should be home free until the next hump.

As for the shin splints, thanks for the advice on the shoes! When I have time, I'll just have to swallow the expense and head over to the specialty running store for new shoes.

As for the Japanese Beetles, it's still there. I was going to apply the chemical after work, but we had some thunderstorms. It looks like it's more widespread than I thought because it actually made our local news! The advice they gave is to not use the bags as it attracts more of these critters. Basically, you have to pick them individually and drop them in a bucket full of soap water. Uh, I think I'm going to stick with chemicals. I'm getting grossed out just thinking about touching these flying creepy crawlies, even with gloves. Yuck!

That's all for today, folks! Thanks for reading!


Greg said...

Wow, I think you should hav said to the guy. Gee, you must really be strong to use every machine in this gym at once. You could have called me and I could have flown out and hit him in the head with a 45lb plate. My gym has been infested with a few knuckleheads lately due to Summer Vacation.

Have you seen this new workout I'm doing? You should try it. It uses a plethra of not-so-ordinary workouts. My butt hurts so bad this morning from doing Bulgarian Split Suats It hurts to sit down.

havlow said...

See I don't have problems with the knuckleheads so much as the trainers at my gym. Everytime I would workout this past fall this one trainer would come in and put her water bottle, her clipboard, and her client's stuff in about 4 different areas as to "claim" them. In the beginning I was nice and asked her to please move them as I was going to use that machine. Eventually I stopped asking and complained to the front desk. I don't think she is there anymore.

I know how you feel about those "pilot" programs at work. I used to get sucked into a lot of those at my old job and unfortunately I never could figure out why since the job is to work the bugs out of the system...yet I would complain about all the problems and they would fall on deaf ears. Then once the program went live I would complain about the bugs again and they would stupidly ask me why I didn't mention it in the pilot program. Yeah...but hey I'm out of that job and on to bigger and better things. Good luck with the bugs!!

Anonymous said...

Hey girlie..hopefully your workouts will aleviate some of the stress of your job. I hope that gets better.

That dude at the gym sounds...well, like he is clueless. Next time you should just hop on the piece of equipment you need. Yep...it would be a pain in the ass to move his weights, but maybe he'll get a clue. I'm sure others are annoyed by him, too. Enjoy your day....

KatieFeldmom said...

I hate stupid people at the gym!
I have a guy like that too, except mine also makes weird noises.

Hope things gets figured out at work.

Irene said...

Sounds like the guy was circuit training, but hogging the equipment -- that's just downright RUDE! When I do circuits at the gym, I never monopolize the equipment -- if someone is using what I need to jump on next, I either wait, find a similar piece of equipment or do free weights so I don't lose pace. Ugh on the beetles... I woudn't want to pick them off, either. Good luck with that!


Julie said...

Why is it that some people are so oblivious? What a broomhead! I hope things at work settle down for you soon. I'm kind of going through the same thing right now in terms of workload changes so I get how you're feeling. Hopefully you will soon be beetle free!

Hypertrophy said...

Clearly this guys needs to read and obey "Muscle Head's Gym Rules" .....

Well, in my job I'm one of those people who decides who and where to pilot new systems and fuctionality of the system ... and almost always will select the strongest, most skilled users to pilot. Take it as a compliment ! :)