Thursday, August 03, 2006


It is so freakin' hot around here! We could all use a break from this heat. We're supposed to get a cold front tonight with 40% chance of thunderstorm. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

I don't know what's going on, but Thursdays seem to be my downfall. I start out the week strong, then by Thursday I just don't want to do anything! Then by Friday my motivation's back. What's up with that? Regardless, workouts are going fairly well. I was planning to run today, but I didn't get up early enough. I woke up early enough, but I couldn't make myself get up from bed. Like I said, Thursdays are my downfall. I was able to do UBWO this afternoon, so it wasn't a total waste.

Nothing else going on, except that I'm annoyed with the toilet in my master bathroom. The flushing mechanism is not sealing correctly so water is constantly flowing into the toilet tank. Last month, my water bill was over twice the normal! Thank goodness water is cheap. My dad is supposed to fix it, but I have to wait until he has the time. In the meantime, I have the water supply to the toilet shut down and I'm using the other bathroom down the hall. Not a big deal, but so inconvenient.

I've been hanging out more and more at the new blends forum. I'm loving it! Thanks Jess for setting it up!

Hope everybody's staying cool!


Donna said...

Hey there! We're getting cooler here too, finally. My pool isn't even cool anymore. It's 90! Last night the air temp dropped to 70, so about 9:30 I went to dip my feet in the pool and it felt like bath water. I was really tempted to go skinny dipping, but hubby was sleeping and I didn't want to go alone. Too bad.

Regarding your motivation loss on Thursday, just be thankful it comes back on Friday. I start to lose it on Thursday and it doesn't return until Monday.

Anonymous said...

Hey girlie..just checking in on you! Keep up your dedication and hard work. Enjoy your weekend. Dede

Pamela said...

Keep working on the 5k time...I'm with ya on the drug testing if we ever get a time like Mellisa's !( hey..there's no Jaw dropping smilies here! ~LOL~)
See ya at the Forum!

Karla said...

The heat is finally easing here. At least for a couple of days. Hang on, it's coming your way.

Don't fret about Thursday, looks like you're still doing an awesome job.

Have a great weekend and a great week next week. I'll check back in after vacation.