Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Hello all!

Yes, I set another personal best yesterday. 2 miles in 18:28!!! I think I got about 2.17 miles at the 20-minutes mark. I'm very proud of myself!

Workouts have been great! I was too tired last Friday after the wedding to do anything. So no running, as I hoped. However, I went to the gym on Sunday and did UBWO. Yesterday was the 20 minutes HIIT & abs. Today I did another session of UBWO. After work, I went out for a run. Unfortunately, my knees started bothering me so I only got in 3.5 miles. My next run is on Thursday, so I'll try to do better.

Eating is so much better. I finally ran out of the Quaker multi-grain snack, so that's that. =)


How about 24? Figured it's going to end with another cliffie! I knew we haven't heard the end of the Chinese. Don't forget also that whoever were in cahoots with the president is still unknown. Overall, a great episode! Jack brought down the President of the United States! Jack's the Man!!! Geez! We have to wait until January to find out what happens next?!?

American Idol - I had to spend 20 minutes text messaging my vote for Katherine McPhee at the "request" of my mom. I felt bad for her! I wish she chose the right songs. Actually, the last song wasn't her fault. Who in the world picked that song?!? Anyways, I love her voice - it's so effortless. I can see myself buying her CDs. I hope she still does well. I can actually see her doing musicals or theatres, especially considering her rendition of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow". I have to admit, Taylor outperformed Kat tonight.


The wedding this weekend was a lot of fun. Here's a picture of me tearing up the dance floor. HA HA HA!!!


KatieFeldmom said...

I felt bad for Katharine too. I think she will do okay though. Taylor kicked butt last night and I couldn't believe he was wearing a purple velvet jacket.

Great job on the run.
You are an animal!

Hypertrophy said...

Great job on the run !

Showing off the upper body muscles in that pic, I see ... :P

Rachel said...

Woot! on the new personal best! You just keep striving for improvement - it's awesome.

You look adorable on the dance floor. =P

Julie said...

I'm a Taylor fan, so I was glad he did well last night and WON tonight!!

Sounds like you are doing awesome with your workouts. Your run times keep getting better and better, so way to go!

You look great in your dress. Glad you had fun at the wedding.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on breaking ANOTHER one of your records!! Holy cow..you are always doing that!!! :)

You look gorgeous dancing!! Everyone is watching you...you must be GOOD!!

Lori said...

Great picture, but even more great job on your two miles. WOW, I'm impressed.


Irene said...

Nah, I don't feel sorry for Katherine... I have a feeling she'll do extremely well for herself. She's gorgeous and talented. Those songs both contestants sang at the end of the competition are "formula" songs. My daughter sang the words to Kelly Clarkson's "A Moment Like This" over BOTH songs. It was too funny.

That's a great picture of you dancing!!! You look like you're having a great time!


Kimberly said...

I love the picture! You look fantasticly happy and healthy in it.