Monday, July 23, 2007

My take on HP and the DH

Don't worry...I'm not going to give out any spoilers. =)


I finished it yesterday. Since I started on Saturday afternoon, I only stopped reading for dinner, sleep, and Sunday morning yoga class. Oh yeah, and the occassional bathroom break. :)

When I have the time, I will probably re-read it just because there were so many things going on that I'm sure I missed some relevant details. It was like an emotional roller coaster, with many twists and turns. There were times where I think something is going to happen and I'm already crying reading into it, then it turns into something else. I'm so glad I didn't get spoiled from the beginning. Otherwise, I would have been cheated out of the experience.

I cannot wait when they make this book into a movie because it will be like non-stop action packed from start to finish. I just hope they make it longer than the last movie. If you think about it, HP fans are die-hard enough to stay in line for hours and hours (days even!) then spend hours more immediately afterwards reading the book non-stop. I'm sure making the movie a little longer won't stop them from seeing it. Hey, it worked for Lord of the Rings, I'm confident it's going to work for the HP movies. I just felt like the OOTP movie, although pretty good IMO, left a lot of details out and I hope they don't cheat us out of the experience for the 2 remaining movies.

Oh, and I think Molly Weasley had THE BEST line in the book. :)

That's it....


Pamela said...

Akkkkkkk ok FINE now I might just have to read it after all.. :)

Jen said...

I haven't read ANY HP books. Maybe I need to start now and work my way up to #7. I'm trying not to find out what happens in case I do decide to take on the whole series.


Irene said...

My daughter read the book all weekend and filled me in on some of the details...

I gave you a "Rockin' Girl Blogger" distinction on my blog. ;)

Anonymous said...

I think I need to jump on the HP books. Even my DAD is reading them. :)

havlow said...

Heh heh heh I'm actually reading it for the third time. It's a great book and I keep finding little tidbits that I missed from the first two readings! I think I was mostly sad because there won't be any more Harry Potter books (although she alluded to a encyclopedia that resolved a lot of lingering questions about the fates of everyone that survived Book 7) it's just tough because I think JK Rowling really brought people of all ages back into reading as well as created an incredibly rich and endearing world of characters.

Lori said...

I have not read one of them or seen any of the movies.