Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I wrote before how I've become a clothes whore after losing weight and that I've been shopping like crazy recently to replenish my wardrobe. And also how I've been more confident in wearing clothes that don't cover me as much. Well now, I just realized that I am subconciously transforming into a girly-girl. Don't get me wrong, I've always been feminine. But my practical side has always been my dominant trait.

Recently I noticed that my increasing confidence has extended to wanting to take care of myself more. For example, I'm paying more attention to make-up. Not only that but I've started going to the nail salon on a regular basis betting manicures and pedicures! I've never been a nail person! I would paint my nails once in a while, and if I did I've always done it on my own. Since I got used to keeping my nails short from years of playing piano, I saw no need for frequent manicures & pedicures. And it's not like I conciously made a decision to make it a regular habit. It just happened!

Now, my latest interest - jewelries! I was at the mall this weekend and I found myself drawn to the colorful gemstones. I have a few jewelries that my mom gave me and never really wore them except on special ocassions. All of a sudden, I want some pieces to just wear for everyday. What's up with that?!? Luckily, my thriftiness kept me going for fine jewelries, LOL!


This week is going well so far! I'm getting my workouts done. Eating is pretty good. Work is still busy, but not as crazy. So I'm very happy.

Okay, please don't tell me I'm the not the only one, but I'm actually looking forward to watching "Celebrity Duet" tonight. It's like "Dancing with the Stars", but singing. I guess this should give me my temporary fix until DWTS is back.


Donna said...

Oh, you're too funny! I have Duets on but I'm not really paying attention. I'm not too sure about this show. Nothing else is on though.

So, you've become a girly girl huh??? Good for you!

Pamela said...

Gotta second Donna! Yay for you on becomming a "girly Girl" Nothin at all wrong with that! :)

Karla said...

Good for you with the girly girl attire. You've worked hard and deserve it. I'm not so sure about the celebrity duet, I watched some of it and wasn't too impressed. Needless to say, the channel got switched.

havlow said...

Hmmmm celebrity duet? That worries me lol!!

KatieFeldmom said...

Nothing wrong with being a "girly-girl".

I saw the last hour of Celebrity Duets. I really liked Hal Sparks and Jai Rodriguez.

Kimberly said...

I keep forgetting there are new shows starting! That's okay, I need to cut stuff out, not add anything new. Actually, it's nots okay, but I'll want to know what you all are talking about...

How fun to become a girly-girl. But I'm with you on the practical side when it comes to jewelry. I'd have to be really rich before I could really splurge in that area.

Janel said...

THank goodness for FOX!!!!!! LOL BUt I only really liked Alfonso, everybody else really sucked IMO.

I love it that you are becoming Froufy. I LOVE being high maintenence!!!!

jennifer said...

HEY! I want to see pictures of you showing your new SEXY self.

No TV here, but I would probably be addicted if I saw those shows.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap...a girly girl??? Oh no!! Hee hee-you know, that's o.k. YOu have really kicked butt-so you deserve to be pampered...even if you are wearing more makeup, more revealing clothes, etc! Enjoy your "new" you!

Melissa said...

I've been the same way since losing weight. I'm so much more confident in clothes I wouldn't have worn before, and I find myself wanting to be pampered even more. Know what, WE DESERVE IT! LOL

Irene said...

I went through kind of the same thing with clothes, makeup, etc... I guess it goes with feeling better about yourself. I went from frumpy, baggy housewife clothes to more fitted and taylored, and a little bit more sexy clothing (but not too revealing.) Hehehe... Same thing with jewelry!

We're also vacuumed into Celebrity Duets!!! LOL!