Monday, November 19, 2007

Me and my niece...

Isn't she adorable?

She's only a little bit over a week and still sleeping a lot. She is a really calm baby though. I can't wait when she grows up and I can take her shopping! LOL.

I'm still working on my vacation pictures. We took A LOT! Between my camera, my mom's, and my dad's there's just so much to sort through! So please be patient! I will post them, I promise!

Yesterday as I was driving home from my parents house, I passed by Philadelphia and saw the runners running along the Schuykill River for the Philadelphia Half/Full Marathon...that one that I'm missing. :( I felt a tinge of sadness for only a moment, but it wasn't so bad. For the most part, I am at peace with the fact that I made the right decision. I did honk at them twice as a show of support. :)

The good news is that I was able to run PAIN FREE last night for a grand whopping distance of 3.5 miles! Whoot whoot!!! I probably could have gone longer, but decided to play it conservatively for now. The Turkey Day 5K that I am hoping to run on Thursday sure is looking good! And OMG! I am actually contemplating a 10K next weekend! We shall see how the knee holds up. I WILL GET THROUGH THIS INJURY!!!!

Leslie - Don't worry, I will keep doing something. I've enjoyed wearing size 0/2 for over 2 years now I'm not about to backslide. Thanks for the reminder though. :)

Thank you again everyone! Have a great Thanksgiving!


leslie said...

Hooray for pain-free running. And it's it great to love the size you're in?!?!

And yes, she is (and you are) adorable!

Stef said...

Hey there....just checking on you! Glad you are doing well and OMG your little niece is so freakin' cute!


Anonymous said...

She IS adorable, but then SO ARE YOU!

Glad to hear about the pain free run! YAY!!!

Laurie said...

Look at that PROUD Aunt!

Yeah for pain free running!

Donna said...

Glad to see you back! And what a beautiful baby. I wish someone in my family would have one, but we're all done. Good luck on the running, and have a great Thanksgiving!

Pamela said...

Hello there you gorgeous GIRLS !