Saturday, May 19, 2007

Scenes from my 8-mile run this morning....

After living in my house for over three years now, I finally went to the trail nearby. Actually, I checked it out once a couple of years ago and walked a quarter of a mile then back to my car. That was when I thought walking half a mile was a workout. LOL. Anyways, here are some pictures I took with my camera phone.

Notice the small blob in the middle of the bridge above? Horse poop! There were actually people horseback riding in the trail! And guess who stepped on the friggin poop!?!

I ran a total of 8.21 miles for 1:32:42 and average pace of 11:17 min/mile. Kinda slow, but I stopped a lot to take pictures and to wait for traffic lights to change (some areas crossed busy streets). Mile 2 was also super hilly since it was heading towards the small ski resort nearby. I also tried my hydration belt for the first time and it took a while to get the proper adjustment around my waist. AND, I had to stop go to the side and try to rub off the horse poop from my shoes, LOL.

All in all, it was a very pleasant run, poop and all. ;-)

Hope everybody's having a great weekend!


Irene said...

Gorgeous pictures! LOL @ the horse poop!

Amy said...

I love your pictures!!! that is my favorite type of scenery too run along...too bad...nothing to excited near where i am at currently.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful scenery! Awesome job on your 8 + miler! Do you like the hydration belt?? Was it difficult to grab a drink while you were moving?? Keep it up girl, and enjoy the rest of your weekend. :)

KatieFeldmom said...

B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!! Well, except for the poop. That kind of sucks.

Laurie said...

I can't believe you don't use that trail all the time, it's beautiful! My hubby loves his fuel belt and my daughter loves to play with all the little bottles.

I wish I'd been watching that Team USA soccer game - I had the front cover of Newsweek with that picture on it hanging in my office for ever after that, dreaming of having that body.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous trail!!!!!

Where did you get your hydration belt?

Pamela said...

ooops sorry bout the poop.. but what a GORGEOUS trail! guess we know where you'll be spending time now!

Pamela said...

P.S TAG you're it.. come read my blog to find out! :D

Kimberly said...

You're awesome! I wish I'd known and ran with you when I lived in Philly.

Angela said...

Sorry, i didnt know you were already "tagged" but i tagged you too.....

FV Tom said...

how beautiful! And this is right near your house? Wow.

If it looks like poop, smells like poop, it probably is poop.

Greg said...

Looks like a great place to run. You are really running far. I think my knees would crack. Your drive is pretty inspiring!

Julie said...

What beautiful scenery, minus the horse poop of course! :)

Great job on the running!!